Because I Love You

Short Narrative
Session 4: 8:30pm-10:30pm - September 13th
Completed on:
August 20, 2023
New York City, New York
Mature Content
Bob Celli
Bob Celli
Laura Delano, Bob Celli, Margaret Romolo-Zukor, Iliana Guibert
Key Cast
Jennifer Plotzke, Bob Celli, Melissa Joyner, Dave Roberts, Iliana Guibert
Other Credits
Marco and Joanna enjoy an electric marriage, until Marco is witness to a series of events that lead him to suspect Joanna is having an affair with a co-worker.
Statement from Filmmaker
The initial idea for Because I Love you came to me after a discussion I had with friends about communication and the danger of jumping to conclusions. What happens when everything you think you know is shattered? Not too long after that conversation, I read a true story about a relationship steeped in jealousy that took an unexpected turn. Because I Love You takes a hard look at jealousy and how it can propel humans to act in ways that can change lives forever. Many of us have been bitten by the “Green Monster” at one point or another, but we all have a choice whether or not we act on our base instincts. The action you take defines you. Because I Love You is a short, sexy, slow burn part suspense, part thriller, and part dark comedy film. My intent was to keep the feeling of the film deeply intimate, to make the viewer feel like a fly on the wall. We all have thoughts of good and bad...what keeps our actions in the good lane?
Student Film
First Time Filmmaker